Teleflora Citrus Splash Bouquet

Teleflora Citrus Splash Bouquet

A compact nosegay style bouquet of orange, yellow, and greens, nestled in a contemporary petite glass cube or vase. Great for a desk, counter, or coffee table. Featured flowers include roses, buttons, carnations, miniature roses, or similar favorites. A delight for the eyes! USA and Canada florist delivery.

Teleflora Sunsplash Bouquet

Teleflora Sunsplash Bouquet

Send a sunny splash of color with this contemporary compact bouquet of lilies, roses, asters, button poms, or similar fresh favorites in hot pink, yellow, orange, and green hues. Perfect for birthdays, thank you gifts, thinking of you, or any happy occasion. Approximately 10 inches W x 10 inches H as shown. USA and Canada florist delivery.

Bright and Beautiful Funeral Spray (Sympathy)

Bright and Beautiful Funeral Spray (Sympathy)

This popular sympathy spray reflects the many colors of life with a rich spectrum of beautiful blooms to honor a cherished loved one. Featured flowers include gladioli, carnations, daisy poms, roses, hydrangea, asters, or similar fresh favorites. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. USA and Canada florist delivery.

New Baby Planter w/Fresh Flower Accents

New Baby Planter w/Fresh Flower Accents

This long-lasting basket planter comes with a variety of hearty green plants and fresh flower accents and is easy to transport from hospital to home.

Spring Tulips Vase (Feb. - mid-May)

Spring Tulips Vase (Feb. - mid-May)

Assorted Spring tulips delivered in a glass vase. A great way to brighten anyone's day! Available in most areas February till early May. Blossom colors and style of vase may vary in some cases. USA and Canada florist delivery.

Garden Parade Bouquet

Garden Parade Bouquet

Say Thanks, Happy Birthday, Get Well, Congratulations, or Thinking of You with this striking combination of roses, Gerbera daisies, asters, alstroemeria, button poms, statice, solidago, or similar fresh blooms, in bold primary colors that are great for both guys and gals, too. A top pick for almost any occasion! Same day and next day florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

FTD Deepest Sympathy Flowers Arrangement

FTD Deepest Sympathy Flowers Arrangement

Send love, hope, and comfort with this stunning bouquet of pretty pink roses and carnations designed with fresh greens, delicate floral accents, and a sheer ribbon to express your heartfelt sympathy and support. Soft, stylish, and feminine. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. FTD florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

A Kiss In The Park Bouquet

A Kiss In The Park Bouquet

Make someone's heart skip a beat with this popular design of fresh roses, carnations, daisy poms, miniature carnations, baby's breath, or similar seasonal favorites, in pretty red, white, and pink tones. Great for friends, sweethearts, and Valentine's, too! Designed and delivered in a clear glass vase. Same day and next day florist delivery.

Deluxe Easter Lily (Easter Week)

Deluxe Easter Lily (Easter Week)

An Easter tradition that's sure to please. Generally available from Palm Sunday through Easter.

Tulips Vase Bouquet (Feb. - mid-May)

Tulips Vase Bouquet (Feb. - mid-May)

This pretty vased bouquet features fresh cut tulips in assorted Spring colors with greens and delicate accents. Great for almost any occasion -- or just to brighten someone's day. Generally available February through mid-May.

Harvest Time Basket (Autumn)

Harvest Time Basket (Autumn)

Seasonal mixed fresh flowers in rich Autumn hues make this festive basket bouquet great for any Fall occasion. Featured flowers include daisy poms, yellow buttons, carnations, alstroemeria, statice, or similar blooms. A thoughtful Thanksgiving gift too!

FTD Bright Autumn Centerpiece (Autumn)

FTD Bright Autumn Centerpiece (Autumn)

This fancy Autumn candle centerpiece will add just the right warmth and color to any Fall table setting. Featured flowers include rose s, lilies, Gerbera daisies, alstroemeria, chrysanthemums, yarrow, or similar seasonal favorites. Generally available September till Thanksgiving. Local FTD florist delivery throughout the USA and Canada.